You can go through life knowing so much but really knowing so little.
Suddenly ideas, facts and awareness enter our lives from different sources.
Some we let go and some we keep.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 2010

"An interesting fact about OCTOBER 2010:

This October has 5 Fridays, 
5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays, all in one month. 
It happens once in 823 years."

This fact arrived in my inbox this morning. The internet has certainly exposed us to so much more information than we could have imagined. Facts, figures, statistics, surveys, video, email, text, downloads, music - stop!
What do we do with this mass of data? Why are we so hungry to know so much - over 31 billion searches a month in Google alone !

Anyway, back to October - enjoy the extra long weekend and on 20th October, that is 2010 2010, celebrate with a cuppa or there again you could just ignore it !

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